I’m Olivia. I dream about helping people uncover both the beauty and the messiness of every day. I don’t have it all together—and I don’t expect I ever will. The wonderful thing about living honestly and with an open heart is that you quickly discover the many others who wake up each day searching for the same. So cozy up, let’s enjoy this messy, beautiful life together.
My journey’s seen its twists and turns. I’ve been the theater kid, the girl searching for her place in the wellness world, and the woman who wanted nothing more than to make her parents proud. But at the core of it all has been a desire to live each day in my truth. It’s a desire to share myself exactly as I am—through the struggles and triumphs, the lessons and learnings. I’m Olivia Noceda, and I’m so glad you’re here.
There have been moments in life when everything has felt a little too heavy, a little too complex, and impossible. During those times, I’ve always been grateful for my gift of looking to the good and finding the joy that’s present in every day. I’m insightful but silly, curious, and creative. And it’s always been important to me to share my vulnerabilities and mistakes so others would never feel alone in theirs.
Sharing is at the center of everything I do. As the industry has shifted from influencing to digitally creating to creating alone, it’s creating a
community that I’ve always pursued. While this has been true all throughout, I felt it most when I stopped drinking at the beginning of 2022. Since then, my epiphanies, reflections, and countless mocktail recipes have helped others navigate their own exploration of sober curiosity. And as we begin to embrace all the many relationships a person can have with alcohol, I’m grateful to have a voice in shifting the conversation.
Whether it’s loving food, living with anxiety, experiencing hormonal issues, or just allowing myself to feel the profound loneliness that can set in every so often—I’ve always wanted to show people that we can be so many conflicting and beautiful things at once. I’ve never wanted to be seen as aspirational, but inspirational instead. Inspiring because I show up with the unapologetic sort of authenticity that invites others to live each day wholly and honestly as themselves.
Let’s chat. Drop the DMs and skip the texts—we’re committing to a full-on convo. If you miss the pen-pal levels of giddiness that used to come with opening the mail, this bi-weekly note is just what your inbox craves. Exclusive recipes, private thoughts, and raw emotions. An honest let’s-get-the-fuck-off-of-Instagram love letter, from me to you.